

May 2021

Brittney Castro Financial Planner (@BrittneyCastro) - Crypto 101


April 2021

Berna Financial Educator (@heyBerna) - What is Crypto


April 2021

Money MAgazine - What is Bitcoin


What is Bitcoin, and Why do People call it the new Gold?

Bitcoin may have begun as an internet phenomenon, but now it’s fully legit — and increasingly being compared to one of the most old-school assets of all time.

January 2021

Fortune MAgazine - Crypto Is Everywhere, But Should You Invest?

Crypto Is Everywhere, But Should You Invest?

Ten years ago, most people would have laughed if you said you hold part of your investment portfolio in cryptocurrency — a type of virtual currency that is secured through various cryptographic and computer-generated means. But these days, you might be seen as behind on the times if you don't currently invest, or if you have never traded a single Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin in your life.


December 2020

Crypto 201


July 2020

Bitcoin - $0 or $1,000,000 in 10 years?

Cointelegraph Crypto Traders Live is the world's largest live event fully dedicated to crypto trading. Join us on July 30th for over nine hours of nonstop cr...


June 2020

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LGBTQ+ in Blockchain/Crypto: A Safe Space With Room for More Inclusion

(Interview) LGBTQ+ people in the sector say crypto is a welcoming space: “The crypto sector is more than supportive of LGBTQ+ rights.” By Joseph Birch


June 2020

Intro to Crypto


June 2018

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Queering the BlockCHAIN

Happy Pride Month! While Pride is obviously historically more about our right to exist as full and equal citizens, I think it’s also a good time to reflect on how far we’ve come and how much further we have to go…


September 2017


Blockchain Already Has a Killer App: Privacy

Although blockchain was last year’s buzzword, since then, many have rightfully criticized the hype. Many projects…